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Seth Knorr
Christian Stand-up Comedian


  Find a Christian comedian in Cataldo, Idaho

Seth's a Christian standup comedian with subject mater which focuses on news related events; married life; parenting kids; eccentric topics and everyday experiences. The comprehensive array of subject mater lets everyone in the audience to have a pleasant time! Read entire bio.

Hire a Christian Comedian in Cataldo, ID with this engagement quote page.

Estimate of current customary charges for travel in towns and cities closest to Cataldo, ID:
  1. Medimont, ID
  2. Coeur D Alene, ID
  3. Hayden, ID
  4. Post Falls, ID
  5. Rathdrum, ID
  6. Worley, ID
  7. Kellogg, ID
  8. Kingston, ID
  9. Pinehurst, ID
  10. Smelterville, ID

This page is a detailed guestimate of travel expenditures to book a Christian comedian in Cataldo, ID. These are usual travel costs and may be higher or lower than guestimated.

Accommodations (Generally SpringHill Suites Coeur d'Alene)$99.00 - $199.00
Rental Car$39.13 - $73.17
(The above rental cost reflect the rental price, plus miles and likely gas usage.)
Plane Ride (American to Spokane International)$67.00 - $381.00
Total Projection$205.13 - $653.17

This estimated charge assumes:
** This estimated charge references a current gas price per gallon at $2.33.
** Travel fees guesstimated to assume a usual event & 1 overnight stay.
** Travel rates will vary depending on the time of year and the day of the week.
** If possible, Seth will fly in and out the same day to save on fees.

This projection is also accurate for the 83810 zip code and the majority of Rose Lake and Shoshone County.

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