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Seth Knorr
Christian Stand-up Comedian


  Find a Christian comedian in Dana, Indiana

Seth is a Christian, clean, stand-up comedian whose subject mater centers on events in the news; married life; toddlers; interesting topics and daily life. The varied array of subject mater allows everyone in the audience to have a pleasurable experience! Read Seth's entire biography.

Hire a Christian Comedian in Dana, IN through our booking submission form.

Estimate of current expenses for travel that are customary for towns/cities next to Dana, IN:

There is a featured stand-up comedian that works clean that is located in Vermillion County. To Get a free estimate of expenses from the Clean and Funny Comedy Booking Agency, fill out this booking submission form. The representation of local comedians allows the agency to save you money on the travel charges quoted below.

This is a guestimate of travel charges to book a Christian comedian in Dana, IN. These are ordinary travel rates and may be higher or lower than projected.

Accommodations$101 - $151.50
Car Rental$37.50 - $85.50
(Rental car cost above reflect the sum of the rental car rate, plus miles and expected gas usage)
Plane (American to Lambert-St Louis International)$67.00 - $328.00
Total Projection$205.50 - $565.00

This projection assumes:
** This projection references a current gas price per gallon at $2.24.
** All guesstimation of travel charges assume a normal performance with one overnight stay.
** Travel fees will change based on the time of year and the day of the week.

This projection is also accurate for the 47847 zip code and the majority of Helt and Vermillion County.

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