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Seth Knorr
Christian Stand-up Comedian


  Find a Christian comedian in Curdsville, Kentucky

Seth Knorr's a Christian stand-up comedian with subject mater which entails current events; relationships; parenting; unusual topics and everyday experiences. The extensive array of subject mater allows everyone attending to have a pleasant time! Read whole bio.

Hire a Christian Comedian in Curdsville, KY through our event quotation page.

Estimate of expenditures for travel that are customary to neighboring towns and cities closest to Curdsville, KY:
  1. Stanley, KY
  2. West Louisville, KY
  3. Owensboro, KY
  4. Calhoun, KY
  5. Maple Mount, KY
  6. Philpot, KY
  7. Utica, KY
  8. Hawesville, KY
  9. Lewisport, KY
  10. Maceo, KY

There is a clean comedian who's living in Henderson County. To Get a quote of costs from the Clean and Funny Booking Agency, fill out this event quotation page. The amount quoted by the agency for a local comedian will be a big cost savings over the travel expenses quoted below.

This page is a estimated calculation of travel fees to book a Christian comedian in Curdsville, KY. These are standard travel expenses and may be higher or lower than estimated.

Hotel (Generally Fairfield Inn Owensboro)$109.00 - $163.50
Car Rental$38.36 - $70.97
(The above cost represent a combination of the rental charge, plus mileage and expected gas usage.)
Plane Trip (American to Lambert-St Louis International)$67.00 - $328.00
Total Guestimated$214.36 - $562.47

This projection assumes:
** This projection assumes a local gas price of $2.26.
** All travel projection rates assume a usual event in 1 day and a 2 day trip.
** The following listed travel expenditures are only guesstimates and may vary based on time of year.
** Schedule permitting, Seth will travel in and out the same day to save on expenses.

This guestimated cost is accurate for the 42334 zip code.

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