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Seth Knorr
Christian Stand-up Comedian


  Find a Christian comedian in Lutsen, Minnesota

Seth Knorr's a Christian, clean, family-friendly, standup comedian with subject mater that includes current noteworthy events; marriage; babies; thought-provoking topics and normal life experiences. The extensive assortment of subject mater lets everyone in the audience to have a pleasurable experience! See whole bio.

Hire a Christian Comedian in Lutsen, MN with this event submission page.

Calculate current charges for travel which are customary to neighboring cities & towns closest to Lutsen, MN:
  1. Tofte, MN
  2. Schroeder, MN
  3. Grand Marais, MN
  4. Hovland, MN
  5. Ely, MN
  6. Finland, MN
  7. Isabella, MN
  8. Beaver Bay, MN
  9. Grand Portage, MN
  10. Silver Bay, MN

Receive an estimate from the Clean and Funny Comedy Booking Agency for a featured stand-up comedian that lives in Cook County by filling out this event submission page. This agency represents comedians local to Lutsen, MN, which will save money on the travel charges quoted below.

This page gives a detailed guestimate of travel costs to book a Christian comedian in Lutsen, MN. These are standard travel expenses and may be higher or lower than projected.

Lodging$152 - $228.00
Rental Car$45.82 - $84.77
(Rental car fee listed above reflect the rental car rate, plus miles and likely gas usage)
Plane (Frontier to General Mitchell International)$230.00 - $464.00
Total Projected$427.82 - $776.77

This projection assumes:
* This projection assumes a current gas price of $2.26.
* Travel projected charges assume a routine event in one day with a two day trip.
* These rates may differ determined by travel dates.

This projected cost is also accurate for the 55612 zip code and most of Cook County.

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