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Seth Knorr
Christian Stand-up Comedian


  Find a Christian comedian in Corvallis, Montana

Seth is a clean standup comedian with material which centers on current noteworthy events; married life; parenting; fascinating topics and everyday life experiences. The varied assortment of material allows everyone attending to have a fun night! View whole biography.

Hire a Christian Comedian in Corvallis, MT with this appearance quote page.

Calculation of travel expenses which are customary for cities/towns adjacent to Corvallis, MT:
* Pinesdale, MT
* Victor, MT
* Grantsdale, MT
* Darby, MT
* Hamilton, MT
* Stevensville, MT
* Conner, MT
* Sula, MT
* Clinton, MT
* Drummond, MT

Below is a estimate of travel expenditures to book a Christian comedian in Corvallis, MT. These are normal travel rates and may be higher or lower than estimated.

Hotel$109.00 - $163.50
Rental Car$52.62 - $105.76
(Rental car cost listed above reflect the rental car price, plus miles and gas usage)
Plane (American to Spokane International)$67.00 - $381.00
Total Projected$228.62 - $650.26

This guestimation assumes:
** This guestimation assumes a local gas price per gallon at $2.339.
** Travel charges are figured to assume a standard two day trip.
** Travel expenses fluctuate depending on the time of year and the day of the week.

This projected expenditure is also valid for the 59828 zip code and most of Ravalli County.

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