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Seth Knorr
Christian Stand-up Comedian


  Find a Christian comedian in Ennis, Montana

Seth Knorr's a clean, family-friendly, standup comedian whose jokes center on events in the news; married life; raising children; strange topics and normal life experiences. The varied array of jokes let everybody present to have a nice time! Read Seth's whole bio.

Hire a Christian Comedian in Ennis, MT with our appearance estimate page.

Discover current expenditures for travel that are customary to neighboring towns/cities in close proximity to Ennis, MT:

This page is a detailed estimation of travel costs to book a Christian comedian in Ennis, MT. These are average travel expenses and may be higher or lower than guestimated.

Hotel$109.00 - $143
Car Rental$62.80 - $144.43
(The above car cost represent the sum of the rental car payment, plus miles and likely gas usage.)
Plane Ride (American to Spokane International)$67.00 - $381.00
Total Estimated$238.80 - $668.43

This guestimated expense assumes:
** This guestimated expense references a current gas price per gallon at $2.30.
** Calculations of travel charges assume a standard function in one day with a two day trip.
** Costs are only projections and may vary based on time of year.
** When possible, Seth will fly in and out on the same day to save on fees.

This estimated expense is correct for the following zip codes 59729 and 59795 and much of Madison County.

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