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Seth Knorr
Christian Stand-up Comedian


  Find a Christian comedian in Morrison, Oklahoma

Seth Knorr is a family-friendly stand-up comedian whose themes consist of current happenings; relationships; raising kids; unconventional topics and routine experiences. The wide array of themes enable everyone in attendance to have a pleasurable experience! See whole biography.

Hire a Christian Comedian in Morrison, OK with this appearance quote form.

Current forecast of customary travel expenditures for towns and cities around Morrison, OK:

There's a Christian stand-up comedian that's residing in Noble County. To Get a free cost quote from Clean and Funny Booking, fill out this appearance quote form. The representation of local comedians allows the agency to save you money on the travel fees quoted below.

This page is a itemized guestimation of travel expenditures to book a Christian comedian in Morrison, OK. These are average travel rates and may be higher or lower than projected.

Lodging$75 - $129
Rental Car$51.38 - $102.25
(The above rental cost denote a combination of the rental car rate, plus miles and estimated amount of gas needed.)
Airfare (Southwest to Dallas Love Field)$189.00 - $461.00
Total Projected$315.38 - $692.25

This guestimation assumes:
* This guestimation assumes a local gas price of $2.03.
* Travel expense estimations assume a regular performance & one overnight stay.
* Travel charges vary depending on the time of year.

This projected expenditure is correct for the 73061 zip code and much of Pawnee County.

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