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Seth Knorr
Christian Stand-up Comedian


  Find a Christian comedian in Hermosa, South Dakota

Seth is a Christian stand-up comedian with subject mater which is comprised of events in the news; relationships; kids; exciting topics and common experiences. The varied spectrum of subject mater enables everybody to have an enjoyable night! See Seth's complete biography.

Hire a Christian Comedian in Hermosa, SD through this booking estimation page.

Find customary travel charges in cities/towns next to Hermosa, SD:
  1. Fairburn, SD
  2. Hot Springs, SD
  3. Keystone, SD
  4. Buffalo Gap, SD
  5. Pringle, SD
  6. Custer, SD
  7. Hill City, SD
  8. Oelrichs, SD
  9. Oral, SD
  10. Smithwick, SD

This page is a detailed estimation of travel expenditures to book a Christian comedian in Hermosa, SD. These are ordinary travel expenses and may be higher or lower than guestimated.

Hotel$99.00 - $199
Car$48.10 - $118.80
(The above fee denote the sum of the rental price, plus miles and gas needed.)
Airfare (Frontier to Denver International)$262.00 - $498.00
Total Estimation$409.10 - $815.80

This projection assumes:
* This projection assumes a current gas price per gallon at $2.64.
* Travel charges calculated to assume a regular performance with one overnight stay.
* Travel expenses vary depending on the travel date.

This estimation is accurate for the 57744 zip code and most of Folsom, Hayward, Red Shirt and Shannon County.

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