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Seth Knorr
Christian Stand-up Comedian


  Find a Christian comedian in Mikana, Wisconsin

Seth's a family-friendly stand-up comedian with subject mater including news related events; married life; toddlers; unique topics and everyday incidents. The varied range of subject mater lets all in the audience to have a great time! Seth's full bio can be viewed here.

Hire a Christian Comedian in Mikana, WI with our performance quote page.

Estimate of customary expenses for travel for cities & towns in the vicinity of Mikana, WI:
* Birchwood, WI
* Sarona, WI
* Haugen, WI
* Edgewater, WI
* Barronett, WI
* Bruce, WI
* Weyerhaeuser, WI
* Cameron, WI
* Rice Lake, WI
* Brill, WI

Here is a calculation of travel fees to book a Christian comedian in Mikana, WI. These are customary travel costs and may be higher or lower than projected.

Accommodations$84 - $142.80
Car$69.16 - $112.04
(The above rental car cost denote the rental car price, plus mileage and estimated gas usage.)
Plane Ride (Frontier to Chicago O'Hare International)$190.00 - $589.00
Total Projection$343.16 - $843.84

This estimated charge assumes:
** This estimated charge assumes a current gas price of $2.32.
** All travel calculation of rates assume a usual function with one overnight stay.
** All expenses are only guesstimates and may vary determinate on dates and time of travel.

This projection is accurate for the 54857 zip code and the majority of Barron County.

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