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Seth Knorr
Christian Stand-up Comedian


  Find a Christian comedian in Banner, Wyoming

Seth is a Christian standup comedian whose themes involve news related events; married life; children; unconventional topics and everyday incidents. The varied range of themes allow everybody attending to have a great experience! A complete biography may be viewed here.

Hire a Christian Comedian in Banner, WY by filling out the event quotation page.

Find travel charges that are customary in cities & towns adjacent to Banner, WY:

This is an itemized estimate of travel costs to book a Christian comedian in Banner, WY. These are standard travel rates and may be higher or lower than estimated.

Hotel$94.00 - $126
Car Rental$47.57 - $123.68
(Above rental cost denote the sum of the rental car fee, plus mileage and gas usage.)
Plane Trip (Frontier to Denver International)$262.00 - $498.00
Total Projection$403.57 - $747.68

This guestimation assumes:
** This guestimation assumes a current gas price of $2.24.
** Guesstimation of travel expenditures assume a standard function & 1 overnight stay.
** Travel rates differ based on the time of year.

This projection is valid for the 82832 zip code and the majority of Sheridan County.

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